02th Aug
Day with Sammy C:
Last minute lunch-ed with dear.
QSR for lunch :)
Bought a hot dog bun meal with a cane of drink + a muffin for myself.
Girl bought fish&chip and mushroom soup.
Super thick yummy mushroom soup C:
Chocolate muffin C:
Hot dog bun with super flat fries C:
Fishy C:
Accompanied girl to town after school.
Task: Buy her facial stuff, and eating all the way [:
Gotten her facial stuff at Nik Heeren and had our first meal in town at Dessert Story.
Siewmai, Hargao and Mango dessert :)
Sammy C:
Jenn C:
The super sweet dessert! :O
Har Gao C:
Not so yummy siew mai :(
Not forgetting cam whoring session ...
B*tchy gf :)
Twist* C:
Went to ladies after eating.
Nice big mirrors everywhere!
And yup, of course we seized the chances for cam whoring in the toilet C:
Using LemeLeme :)
I love this photo very much C:
My second bf :)
Spent 8726476327 years in the toilet.
Finally went off for our next station.
Cold Yuan yang for me.
Ice lemon tea for girl.
Our $3.90 noodles C:
Side orders ...
Prawns filing.
Last but not least ...
Black sesame buns :)