16th Month ♥♥♥
Nice number ya? 0909 :D
Happy 16th monthsary Boy! C:
Waited for Boy to end work
Headed down to Town by Mrt
Had dinner @ Aoba
Our first tried!
Not bad
Somehow like Ajitsen
Free flow of tea
Boy's curry rice, his favourite! :D
B's side dish
And my ramen
Staring at girls/boys? :)
Boy with his dumb dumb pose.
Finally Awfully Chocolate of the night :)
Boy brought me to Zara
Showing me the dress for me and the blazer for himself which he saw it online.
Wanted to ask me try the size for the dress, but the store have not receive it :(
Once again,
Happy 16th love! :D
o3 Sept
Raffles Marina :D
Took train over to JE and cab to B's factory to take his bike.
Headed to Raffles Marina.
Nice place for dating as the scenery there are really great!
Wanted to see the sunset but there's many clouds, it blocked the sun :\
We started to camhore :)
What a face, boy?
Putting my hair on his big big ear!
娘娘腔 :p
Asean Lady
After strolling and camwhoring, had dinner at this restaurant nearby
damn sour mango juice (Y)
Mine fish & chip
B's all time favourite
Dessert time!
Chendol C:
Went to take a stroll again because we were really full after dinner
Waiting for?
Last photo to end the post C:
Thanks B for bringing me to this place.
Really nice place :D