
13th Sept
My 20th Birthday C:

Same as last year, decided to have simple dinner with family :)
This time round, everybody presented except for dad and sis jan's bf :(
Initial plan was to have dinner at opposite coffee shop, 834 but raining
Changed venue to the coffee shop behind our house
Ordered mee sua and some dishes from zhe char
Cut cake, present from sis jas, dinner treat from sis jes & jan and ang baos from parents :D:D:D

chinese "rules"
Mee sua for birthday girl/boy :D

Tadah my mee sua :)

spicy fish (but not spicy at all)
kang kong
drumplets (i think so)

5 sisters :D

BbbB :D

twinny, me and B :D

Brotherhood :D

ah lian sis!

crazy sis jas!

my beloved woman :D

twinny :D

second sis :D

third sis :D

my birthday cake bought by mama :D


i wish
i wish
i wishhhh :D

new family member with yellow tudong

ang bao from hippo mama :D

2 red packets from parents :D

perfume from sis jas :D

B skipped his dinner after work, rushed down to JP to buy this for me and he was late for class.
Thanks B! :D
Limited edition and we have couple cover ^^

here comes funny photos!
enjoy :)

hippo mama






making herself looked normal while i'm left with one eye :(

my family portait :\

square face of mine!

last photo

thanks for reading :)
enjoyed having simple dinner with family
everyone sitting together at same table, cracking jokes etc :D